rudof has some basic support for SPARQL queries, which can be interacted with by means of the query command. It is possible not only to perform SPARQL queries on SPARQL endpoints, but also on local files.

Querying over local files

For querying over local files you need both a SPARQL file and a data graph. The idea is that we will apply the SPARQL query over the provided graph. For us to do so you just need to use the query command.

Let's assume you have the following content in a file called user.sparql:

prefix : <>
prefix schema: <>

select ?person ?name ?status where {
  ?person schema:name ?name ;
          :status ?status .

and the following content in a file called user.ttl:

prefix : <>
prefix schema: <>

:a schema:name  "Alice" ;
   :status      :Active ;
   schema:knows :a, :b  .

:b schema:name  "Bob"    ;
   :status      :Waiting ;
   schema:knows :c       .

:c schema:name  "Carol"  .

:d schema:name  23      .  

:e schema:name  "Emily" ;  
   schema:knows :d      .

Then you can run the instruction below.

rudof query -q user.sparql user.ttl
?person        ?name          ?status        
     :b        "Bob"          :Waiting
     :a        "Alice"        :Active

Querying over SPARQL endpoints

It is also possible to run a SPARQL query that obtains its data from a SPARQL endpoint. However, the idea is the exact same as in the case above, with the difference that the SPARQL endpoint should be provided by means of the -e argument.

Assuming you have the following content in a file called wikidata_query.sparql:

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
select * where {
  ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5 ;
          wdt:P19 ?birth_place ;
       rdfs:label ?label .
  ?birth_place rdfs:label ?birth_place_name 
  Filter(Lang(?label)='en' && Lang(?birth_place_name)='en')
} limit 10

You can run the following command to run the SPARQL query:

rudof query -q wikidata.sparql -e wikidata
?person        ?birth_place   ?label         ?birth_place_name
 wd:Q517764         wd:Q16  "Rob Pike"@en          "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q518834         wd:Q16  "André Gingras"@en     "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q535692         wd:Q16  "Michael Reed"@en      "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q574507         wd:Q16  "Elza Kephart"@en      "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q579599         wd:Q16  "Isaiah L. Kenen"@en   "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q601125         wd:Q16  "Jack Wetherall"@en    "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q679597         wd:Q16  "Moishe Postone"@en    "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q2896159        wd:Q16  "Benjamin Lumley"@en   "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q2926838        wd:Q16  "Bruno Hébert"@en      "Canada"@en  
 wd:Q2938960        wd:Q16  "Carl Marotte"@en      "Canada"@en 

Registered endpoints

rudof contains a list of registered endpoints like wikidata that can be invoked by their name.